7 steps to transform how you manage content

Before you decide to move to another CMS platform, we recommend you examine your current state, map out your desired state, and then conduct a fit-gap analysis using our Content Management Self-Assessment Survey. Tahzoo makes the process of migrating as effortless as possible.

Tahzoo has put together a 7 Step Process for evaluating what’s working, what’s not, and how you should choose your next course of action.

Document what you need from a future content management ecosystem. What’s your wish list? Are you trying to accelerate time-to-market, streamline the content journey, or personalize the user journey through dynamic content publication?
Visualize your future state. Create a north star for customer value, operational efficiency, and business contribution that will guide you through the coming years.
Conduct a fit-gap analysis to show you the path. Determine the delta between where you are and where you want to be. This always includes functionality, configuration, and hosting.
Modernize your content strategy. Take a look at your content. Is it accurate, up-to-date and relevant to each of your audiences? Which content types have worked for you —long or short form, static or interactive, text or video? Do you incorporate ontologies in creating taxonomies and are you using metadata to make your content searchable, findable, and relevant?
Plan your new MarTech architecture. Based on your fit-gap analysis, create a new architecture that will enable you to reach your future state. Identify which systems can still be used, which may need to be replaced, and which new systems still require planning.
Evaluate new systems and vendors. Look at your competitors, identify industry best practices and then conduct a systematic evaluation of the best MarTech systems for your new architecture. Include reviews of both existing systems and identified future components.
Make the business case. Determine how you are going to measure the performance of your new platform, what the total cost will be (TCO) and calculate the best model for continually measuring the return on investment (ROI) of the initiative.